Dec 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
Making A Christmas Wreath A step-by-step guide on making a beautiful and stylish Christmas Wreath with the guidance of local floral artist, Amelia Cornish. A wreath making project I always hang a wreath on my door at Christmas. They look so beautiful and...
Dec 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
A charity dog photography project The Cambridge Dog Work With Louisa French Photography The Cambridge Dog What’s it all about? The Idea The Cambridge Dog was an idea that came during our second Lockdown of 2020. As a photographer who usually works with...
Jun 9, 2020 | family, outdoor family photo shoot, Uncategorized
SOCIALLY DISTANCED FAMILY PHOTOS What Does A Socially Distanced Family Photo Shoot Actually Look Like? Thankfully, my style of photography was designed for a socially distanced family photoshoot! To create my modern and relaxed style of photography, I use wide open...
Jun 3, 2020 | family, outdoor family photo shoot, Uncategorized
CAMBRIDGE CITY CENTRE A Beautiful Backdrop For A Family Photo Shoot Cambridge city centre is certainly beautiful by any standards! Its an ancient historic city brimming with beautiful architecture and glorious green spaces for instance. In addition, it boasts...
May 26, 2020 | family, outdoor family photo shoot, personal, Uncategorized
Lockdown 2020 60 Days and Counting! I’m a family photographer living in a tiny rural Cambridgeshire village. Since the Coronavirus lockdown started here in the UK, I’ve been documenting the highs and lows of everyday family life in quarantine. So far,...
Sep 11, 2019 | branding / corporate, photography, Uncategorized
WHAT IS PERSONAL BRANDING PHOTOGRAPHY AND WILL IT HELP GROW MY BUSINESS? Personal Branding photography is a set of lifestyle shots featuring you and you business… and YES it certainly will help grow your business and your client base! Ashely, Yoga Instructor...