You don’t always need a perfect Summer’s day for beautiful family portraits

But what about the rain?

“I want to wait and book my session when the weather is much better” is something I hear a lot.  And I get it… I really do.  When you invest a sizeable amount of money, time and effort into commissioning a family photograph that will hang in your home for years to come, its vital to get it right!

Everybody wants the perfect Summer’s day with bright sunshine and clear blue skies.  But lets face facts – we can’t control the weather.  And actually,  I would always choose to take portraits on a less than perfect day with plenty of cloud cover and a hefty breeze!

Cambridge Family Photographer

This gorgeous family were bought a session with me as a birthday gift and travelled over two hours for their shoot.  On the day it was dark and cloudy.  It rained on and off and it was terribly windy but there was no alternative to re-arrange.

We sought shelter in the woods when it rained and got some great candid family shots!
I love that the wind blew the girl’s hair off their faces…
And soon, we all stopped worrying about how bad the weather was and just got on with having a fun session…

As a natural light photographer, I host the majority of my family shoots in the first few or last few hours of daylight when the sun is low in the sky and gives a softer warmer hue.  If you have very young children, it is worth considering a spring or Autumn shoot as during mid-summer, sessions may start around 7.30pm.



Louisa Williams is a family photographer based near Cambridge and working throughout the surrounding areas.  You find find more details about her family photo shoots here, or drop an email to louisafrenchphotography@gmail.com.


Louisa French Photography

Cambridge Photographer
